Sunday, January 30, 2011

I've been busy.

Sorry, just realized it's been a week since I've posted.

Won't fill you in on  a lot except for the fact I'm done with a huge project for class and I don't like where my awesome Stats professor's office is, the stairs are murder.

Also, I'll be on the look for a job soon, thanks to Netflix.

Oh, and I'm just putting this here for personal reasons. I want to trade in my 99 Pontiac Grand Prix for something a little newer and better for gas, I'm thinking VW Jetta, Ford Fusion, or Nissan Altima. Any ideas/comments? I'm leaning towards the Nissan.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Apparently being trapped was the theme of the weekend

So yet again, I get trapped by something. This time is was a car wash. The door wouldn't open to let us out until we manually raised it. I swear I get trapped a lot. It must be my talent.

Anyway, I'm tired and will keep this short. Watched Grown Ups. That movie makes me laugh. Worked practically all day and now I've got class in the morning. See you later then.

Until tomorrow I guess.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I was trapped.... by a TV

So if you follow me on twitter, you'll know that I was stuck under a TV for some time today. Here's the story, we were at Sam's Club and we saw a 42" TV for pretty cheap and my parents decided to buy it, but we only had my Pontiac Grand Prix, which isn't very big. I had to sit in the back and the TV nearly went from door to door in the back leaving only enough room for me to barely sit sideways. My left arm was under the TV while my right was free and my legs were trapped as well. Then, instead of going straight home, my parents decide to do some more shopping, leaving me in the car. All in all, I spent about 45 minutes under the TV and it turned out to be pretty funny.

Also, as a personal goal, I want to learn Russian, no reason, it just sounds cool. I wonder if anyone from Russia will read my blog once, it would be cool. I think their accents are just as good as British accents. I know, I'm very strange, but that's me.

So besides the whole TV incident, nothing really happened today, so I'll leave it there.

Until tomorrow I guess.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Wild Despression Appeared!

So aside from the cheesy Pokemon joke, ever feel like you just randomly get depressed for no reason and no matter what you do, you can't cheer up? Well that's happening to me right at this moment and I don't really know why. I was pretty happy until about 9pm and then it was like a Dementor started to follow me around. Maybe it has to do with the thought I might be jobless in a few months. By the way, do any of you know how you'd apply at Kohl's?

On a completely different note, today seemed to take FOREVER and I'm not the only one who felt like that. A lot of people came in and were yawning or complaining about how work seemed to be 10x longer than normal.

Oh, random thought that might be the cause of my random depression, I'm still single. I should work on that but I really don't know how to. At least I'm not old, single, and work at a video rental store. Wait, I'm two of those things. Dammit. Maybe it's true that nice guys finish last. I feel like I've been cheated.

Might end it there for the night. Can't really think much, too much is going on to really spend time thinking.

Until tomorrow I guess.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

People in this state can't drive

So it's a well known fact (or not) that people who drive vans in Colorado are some of the worst in the world. If they aren't busy cutting people off, they are doing 30miles below the speed limit. The roads could be completely fine and they refuse to do anything close. Anyway, it's Friday tomorrow, thank God, which means I get the weekend (or most of it) off. Time to do research I guess. I still need to write a proposal for a paper by Wednesday. It's for Oceanography. What about this for a topic, The effects of Global Climate Change on coral reefs? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

I'm also hoping to cash a check this weekend to be able to buy something that will help me out tremendously in class. It's called a Pulse Livescribe pen and it'll record audio and what you are writing, but it's expensive. $170. It's gotten really good reviews though so I hope it'll be worth it.

On a depressing/happy note, my manager is looking out for me. He's giving me a "promotion" so that if the place I work at ever closes down, when I apply elsewhere, I can put Assistant Manager for my title here. It'll boost my pay and I might possibly be hired as an Assistant Manager where ever I go.

Anyway, that feels like enough for tonight.

Until tomorrow I guess.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of Muse and other things.

So I've been asked a few things on one of my twitters. I've been asked to see photos from my Muse concert and for a list of posters I have at home. I'll do the posters first then move onto the photos.

For movie theater size posters I have
  • Iron Man 2
  • Avatar (It's first release)
  • Avatar (The collectors edition)
  • Green Zone
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • X-men Origins
  • Karate Kid (The new one)
And for normal sized posters I have
  • Star Wars the Force Unleased 2
  • A poster for Flyleaf
  • Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
That seems like a lot right? Like I shouldn't have enough room for them? Trust me, I have the room on my walls.

Now for the pictures of the Muse concert. I'm not going to post them here but I'll post a link to my Facebook album. I won't add you if I don't know you and most of my info is private anyway.

There you are. If you have any questions about the photos, you can ask about them in the comments or on either of my Twitter accounts
@Seamusfinnigan7 (Roleplay haha)

May post another later tonight if I have anything interesting happen

Until later then.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Intro I guess...

So since nothing really happened today on my last day of my four day weekend, I'll just introduce myself. I'm Chris, 19 from Colorado. I attend the University of Northern Colorado and am a Freshman. I plan to major in Earth Science with an emphasis in Secondary Education. What really got me started in Earth Science was my Geology teacher my Junior year in High School. I've never had a "true" girlfriend but I don't think that really matters much. I'm hoping I'll find someone some day but I'm not really trying that hard.

I've been to a few concerts in my life. I've been to two Blue Man Group concerts, both in the same summer, both were different tours. I've seen Black Eyed Peas with a wonderful friend. I have also just recently attended a Muse concert with some AMAZING people. By far, my favorite was the Muse concert.

I tend to read a lot, I've lost track of all the books. My eyes have to strain sometimes because I'll be reading for a long period of time.

I work a t a movie rental store so I get free movie rentals, some of my posts MAY be part review of a new movie but I'll try to stick away from that. Another benefit to it is the free posters. They are movie theater size so they take up a lot of room.

And I guess that pretty much sums up most of me. I won't go too far into my past because that isn't interesting in the bit.

Until tomorrow I guess.
(I need a better catchphrase haha)