Saturday, January 22, 2011

I was trapped.... by a TV

So if you follow me on twitter, you'll know that I was stuck under a TV for some time today. Here's the story, we were at Sam's Club and we saw a 42" TV for pretty cheap and my parents decided to buy it, but we only had my Pontiac Grand Prix, which isn't very big. I had to sit in the back and the TV nearly went from door to door in the back leaving only enough room for me to barely sit sideways. My left arm was under the TV while my right was free and my legs were trapped as well. Then, instead of going straight home, my parents decide to do some more shopping, leaving me in the car. All in all, I spent about 45 minutes under the TV and it turned out to be pretty funny.

Also, as a personal goal, I want to learn Russian, no reason, it just sounds cool. I wonder if anyone from Russia will read my blog once, it would be cool. I think their accents are just as good as British accents. I know, I'm very strange, but that's me.

So besides the whole TV incident, nothing really happened today, so I'll leave it there.

Until tomorrow I guess.

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