Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Intro I guess...

So since nothing really happened today on my last day of my four day weekend, I'll just introduce myself. I'm Chris, 19 from Colorado. I attend the University of Northern Colorado and am a Freshman. I plan to major in Earth Science with an emphasis in Secondary Education. What really got me started in Earth Science was my Geology teacher my Junior year in High School. I've never had a "true" girlfriend but I don't think that really matters much. I'm hoping I'll find someone some day but I'm not really trying that hard.

I've been to a few concerts in my life. I've been to two Blue Man Group concerts, both in the same summer, both were different tours. I've seen Black Eyed Peas with a wonderful friend. I have also just recently attended a Muse concert with some AMAZING people. By far, my favorite was the Muse concert.

I tend to read a lot, I've lost track of all the books. My eyes have to strain sometimes because I'll be reading for a long period of time.

I work a t a movie rental store so I get free movie rentals, some of my posts MAY be part review of a new movie but I'll try to stick away from that. Another benefit to it is the free posters. They are movie theater size so they take up a lot of room.

And I guess that pretty much sums up most of me. I won't go too far into my past because that isn't interesting in the bit.

Until tomorrow I guess.
(I need a better catchphrase haha)


  1. Cool blog, "Seamus" ;D

  2. At least, you have a poster of toy story 3, or even Tangled??? Dont say you have one of twilight .... Or even Harry Potter! That would be NICE!

    Im neville from twitter.
